Shilda HPP

•    Start time: 2012
•    Completion time: 2013
•    Client: Energy Ltd

Shilda HPP is located on the Chelti River in Kvareli Municipality. The hydropower plant has the installed capacity of 5 mw and the annual generation of 30 mln kwh. This is a diversion HPP comprising the following structures: the headworks, a sludge tank, a pressure pipeline, a powerhouse with auxiliary buildings, a tailrace canal, an outdoor transformer station, and a PTL. 
The average annual generation of the HPP is 30.23 million kw. The electricity generated by the HPP is supplied to the 6.3/35-kv outdoor substation, from there being transmitted to Shilda Substation through a 16-km 35-kv PTL. 
The water discharged by the plant turbines flows back into the Chelti River through an indoor and outdoor tailrace canal. 
The hydropower plant operates in an automatic mode. All the electricity generated by Shilda HPP is supplied to the power grid.